Monday, December 31, 2007

Last Day...

I can hardly believe how extremely fast this year went. The kids have grown so much and it's sad to see then get bigger...for me anyway. I know it's a part of life, but I would like to keep them cute and innocent for as long as possible. I do console myself in the fact that I take thousands of photos a year and I can create some sort of a shrine to their daily activities.

It has been an excellent year and I am thankful just for living. We have great health after a bout with the lovely flu this past week. You just have to love getting sick over the holidays. It was lovely, but it could always have been worse. Christmas morning was more chaotic than I like it, but there's hopefully next year to tweek.

As for my 2008 New Year's Intentions - I have so many. I would be happy to accomplish just one, because it never seems like I actually do. Every year I write my intentions down and every year they go by the wayside. I'm hoping this year will be different. I'm hoping I work harder, organize better and practice some better time management.

I've finished a few layouts that I would like to share and yes, I know most of them are Kaila. The double pager is from December Pagemaps using The Scrapping Spot's December Figgy Pudding kit. The WAR layout is using January 2008 Pagemap #6. The Cool Dude layout was done using a sketch by Dawn Inskip, but I flipped it. Thanks, Dawn! The Star layout was created using December Pagemaps #6.

Thanks for stopping by and have a HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!

Saturday, December 22, 2007

Countdown 'til Christmas - THREE DAYS!!! Who didn't know the kids would be thrilled that we're so close. And, of course, along with that we get disobedience and utter defiance! I'm told that that's the "norm." Well, I don't like it!

Regarding the sickness in our family, Blake has fallen to the illness as well, but it doesn't really seem like it's hit him full force yet. He puked at about 6:00 a.m. and hasn't done anything since then. Kaila was the same way though. So, I'll be looking for a "repeat offense" around 9:30 p.m. About the time Blake was having issues, Charlie was also in need of a container for what may or may not arise out of the depths of his being. Alas, it was a false alarm for him. We're all feeling a tad under the weather, but we're hanging in there.

Scrap Related - I was happy to be allowed the opportunity to contribute to January 2008 Landscape Pagemaps for Becky Fleck. I did the last sketch on the Landscape page.

I received my kit from The Scrapping Spot, which I love! Boy, is it loaded! I did a couple layouts last night. The kit I worked with is KI Memories. It's one of my very favorite manufacturers. If you want to purchase this kit, get over there as fast as you can! These can't last very long.
I used December Pagemaps # 8 for "Almost 3" and December Pagemaps #9 for "No Fear!"

My son's begging to use the computer, so I'll be off. I'll post again later.

Thanks for stopping by!

Happy Holidays!


Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Christmas Holidays...

Christmas play, Christmas parties, baking, decorations...WOW! There's a lot to do. So, where in my schedule is there time for Stomach Bugs? Answer me that! Oddly enough, it has hit our house starting with poor, little Kaila. I'm just trying to make sure she doesn't get dehydrated, which will land her in the hospital. Plus, I'm hoping it doesn't hit the other two at all, OR it waits until Friday night. I would hate for them to be sick on Christmas day too. Man!

Anyway, Kaila had her Christmas program and it was so cute! I couldn't believe she just stomped right up there and did her little part like a pro! She got to wear her brand new dress that her Grandma Stiles purchased for her birthday. She looked to cute! She also had the opportunity to talk to Santa to ask for her standard raindeer - Ha!

Blake talked to Santa too, but I'm not sure he even said anything.

We're planning on putting our tree up tomorrow night when Kaila, hopefully, feels better.

I completed a little 6 x 12 layout last week using a Pagemaps halfmap. I did several other layouts last week, but I have to put finishing touches on all of them before I can post them. I was hoping to go to Scrapbook Station this Friday, but I fear that one of the kids will be sick and I don't want to leave that burden on my poor husband. Oh, well.
That's it for now.
Happy holidays and thanks for stopping by!

Thursday, November 29, 2007

Caution! Caution! Caution! ---- A tad bit risque photos ahead!

Oh, the pictures I could show you! I COULD, but I fear it would be too unforgiveable. My son, Nick, would more than likely smother me in my sleep. I'll give you the jist of what they are. Can you picture this - 9 year old BOY + upside down pink padded bra? There's a mental picture I'm sure you could live without. Picture that and add some "striking" poses. HA!!!! I just about wet myself when he was hamming it up. Sheesh! I will allow myself the pleasure of posting some of the "said" poses reenacted by my 4 year old GIRL. You think that's funny? OMG! If I could only put you over the top with the 9 year old antics!

Moving on...

I was able to complete a couple layouts today. I did one for SPOT TAG over at I lifted one of Ari's amazing creations. Hers is titled "Strong Family." I thank her for the inspiration. I did another one for an upcoming issue of I just LOVE both of these sites. So much fun and ideas are amazing!

Anyway, I must complete my domestic duties. Next up...meal prepartion. Yeah!

Thanks for stopping by!


Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Crazy Blake - Thanksgiving - Nut Allergy - Clean Livingroom...???

What in the world? Okay, Blake really put a show on for me last week. He likes the spotlight, especially when he's giving me his Cool Dude poses. Hilarious!

Thanksgiving - I actually took photos this year. It was a very relaxing, yummy day! Seriously, I have so much to be thankful for, it's just too long to list. I'll be putting a layout together soon. The photo I decided to share today is of the boy playing with their guns, which were supplied by non-other-than...Nick. Imagine that. He brought a whole garbage bag full of guns. They had a blast!

Nut Allergy - Kaila had an enounter with a Hazelnut, which I believe she's never eaten before. She's had almost every other nut you can eat. I'm giving you an inflamed and uninflamed photo to compare. The nut just TOUCHED her lips. She didn't even eat it! I'm calling the doctor today to get some other food allergy testing done. It freaks me out!

One more thing to be thankful for...a clean livingroom! Check it out!!!!

Lastly, I have some layouts to share. To get a closer look, just click on the photo.

I really appreciate you stopping by!

Thanks for peeking!


Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Just a little to catch you up on. Since my last visit, we have experienced Halloween, thwarted the escape of a deer (yum!), installed my paintings from 3 years ago and created a several halfmaps from Yes, we've been busy, but I'm definitely NOT complaining.

First off, we have the annual pumpkin carving at Grandma Lahr's. I can't tell you how much these kids look forward to scooping out the pumpkin guts and carving them some faces. It's hysterical. They all just dig right in. They were all tired and orniary, but we got it done! Then three days later, Halloween was upon us. Talk about frantic running all over. Sheesh! We had Kaila's program. We dropped off Nick's stuff for Halloween, dropped Kaila off at MIL's, zipped over to Blake's parade, picked Kaila up and zipped home to get the kids off of the bus. That night we had trick-or-treating. I had to take several photos of the unwilling children prior to departing. Right before leaving, Charlie came home and he actually went with us for the first time EVER! That was really nice. He and I were both impressed with the children saying thank you for every little piece of candy...until Grandma's. Can you believe they had to be prompted to tell Grandma thank you? I think they were exhausted. I was definitely glad it was over, but I have to say it was a really nice Halloween. Here they are in all their glory.
I guess Charlie got this deer towards the beginning of October, but I never posted a picture. This is Charlie with his first deer shot with a bow. He was so excited! Oh, so was I...don't have to purchase nasty store beef.

Next, we have the installation of my paintings from October 2004. I still need to purchase some other items to complete the look, but this will do for now.

Lastly, we have some layouts I created using the halfmaps. I completed all of these using The Scrapping Spot's November Kit. Loved it!

That's all for now. It's back to the grind for me. I've already accomplished so much for today. The rest will be alllll cake!

Thanks for stopping by!


Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Oh, yeah, Baby! I did it! The dishwasher has been repaired! I got the parts...I put that sucker back together...I ran WORKS! It's almost been 2 whole weeks of cleaning those byproducts of cooking/baking by HAND! Well, no more, I tell ya! Life is oh-so-good! Oh, and it only cost $24, as opposed to $560. Another expense averted.
Kaila and I went to Fire Safety at the Neshannock Fire Hall in New Castle, PA. She was so excited. Although, I must say that I didn't take half the amount of photos as I took last year. It was a shorter presentation as well. Kaila was happy and learned very quickly.
I have one layout that I did last year that hasn't been posted yet, but it's so cute I just had to share. Kaila is only 3 years old here. She just kills me.

Here are a couple more layouts that I did using SEI Grandpa's Attic that you can find on sale at ScrapNCircle.

Thanks for stopping by! I hope to have some photos of our trip to the fire hall and my dishwashing saga soon.


Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Can you say, "Busted?" I can say that, plus several other nasty adjectives. What on earth could I be spouting about? What is the one thing a lot of you women wouldn't want to live without? Well, if you said, hit it on the button. You win the prize! Kudos to you! My dishwasher has been down and out since the 12th, yes, the 12th of October. You may not think that that's very long, but let me set you straight on that little detail. When you cook, bake and make a mess as much as I do, a dishwasher is essential to your everyday operational successes. Today is the day. Today is the day that I pick my parts up at the appliance parts store and attempt, with great ambition, to restore my machine. The machine that I have braved through the last week and a half without. You never know how much you'll miss something until it's gone. Some few individuals would say that I jinxed myself due to the fact that I had my nails done and the actual name of my nail polish is...wait for it...wait for it..."I don't do dishes!" Can you believe that? Seriously, that's what it's called. My nails were done on Thursday...dishwasher busted on Friday. Imagine that!

Friday, I met Nancyroo at Scrapbook Station and we had a good time, just the two of us. Poor Nancy had to pry conversation out of me though. I wasn't really talkative and have no idea why. Sorry about that, Girl! Nancy's a Designer for No Bare Pages. Zip on over there and see some of her awesome creations. She whips them out like a pro. Oh, and you haven't seen the cutest little boy ever, you're in luck...he's all over Nancy's pages!

On the volleyball front...we had a tournament on Saturday. Can I just say that we didn't do so well. We pretty much "got served." I don't think our team really knew the actual competition that was going to be there. I hope if we participate in another one that we're a little more prepared. Thursday's volleyball was AWESOME! I got plenty of exercise that night. I was also sore/bruised the next day and I love it!

I haven't finished my layouts completely from Friday, but I do have a two-pager I did on Monday over at ScrapNCircle. ScrapNCircle has a lot of patterned paper on sale and will continue to have some sales until the store is done. Jeri has decided to close the online store. We had the opportunity to work some older SEI papers, which I LOOOOOVVVVEEEE! can't go wrong. Here's one that I did last week using one of October's Pagemaps.

Thanks for popping in and listening to my rants!


Monday, October 15, 2007

I ran my very first action using Adobe Photoshop 7.0. Can I just tell ya that that's about all I could do within a limited amount of time? There's a lot to this whole "photo-editing" thing. I have great respect for people who are able to zip all over the place doing everything..Ange..especially.

Anyway, here it is! I believe this action is called "Popstar" and I'm pretty sure my good friend, Angelina Schwarz, created it. Look how this photo just "pops!" Love it!

Well, I participated in an online crop benefiting Breast Cancer Research over at ScrapNCircle this past week. There were soooo many challenges, I just couldn't keep up. I'll be completing a couple additional ones within the next couple of days. It was seriously fun. Games, challenges..chatter...what more could you want? I used some really old supplies too. Ya gotta love usin' that up.

Here is what I created.

In other news, volleyball goes into full swing on Thursday starting off with a double-header for our team. Talk about a sore butt! Yeah, that's me. I keep saying I'm not getting old, but it is inevitable. I mean, I'll fight it until the bitter end, but my body is currently on strike....mainly in my neck/thighs/buttocks. It feels so good to be sore again!!!
I'm going to give a little shout out to my friends in Youngstown and Sharpsville. Hey, Chickies!!! Scrapbook Station this Friday...if you can make it. I know Jaci's pretty busy, but I'd still like to meet you! Roo, get your butt signed up and get on over there! I haven't seen you in ages. We'll have quite the gang. I'll get there fairly early, so let me know if I need to save your seats.
Thanks for stopping in!

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

It's been a while... My darling friends keep telling me I need to "update your blog!" Yes, well, here is my update.

Here are several of the layouts I've been working on the last month, but not all of them. It's been a good scrapping month. I even managed to crank out a card. I know...wonders never cease. A lot of these are sketches from either Pagemaps or Scrapbooks, Etc.

One of the exciting things that I've done since my last post was get some acrylic nails put on. I wasn't sure how I would like them, or if I could even function with them. I'm here to tell you that I LOVE them! I'm actually going to get my first "fill" tomorrow. They're not at all what I expected. I've been procrastinating for years on getting them. I played volleyball with them last Thursday and everything. Love 'em! My darling friend, Lori has her own shop called "Jazzie nails." If you're ever in Saxonburg, Pa, be sure and check it out.

Another event, that I absolutely LOVE, is our semi-annual Scrap-a-Way. I look forward to this even immensely! The girls and I get together and scrap all weekend at a lovely hotel in Butler, Pa. I was able to complete 15 layouts while locked inside. Good food, good friends and great scrapbooking supplies. Ya just gotta love it!

Hunting season has begun for the Archer. My DH has decided to participate in this year's quest. I'm rooting for him all the way! Small game is also in, so Nick will also be "harvesting" for the family. I love his enthusiasm. Especially, when the freezer starts filling up with squirrels. I know some of you may think that's brutal, but I assure you that they are delicious!

School is going okay for all three children. Nick is non-chalant as ever with his studies, so that's a constant battle. Blake states that every day is "boring." And little miss Kaila LOVES it! So, she is a joy to get ready. We're still in the midst of field trips for all of them, but other than that, they have no extra activities.

I'm currently participating in ScrapNCircle's Crop for a Cure Crop. They have a lot of challenges going on right now and it's for a great cause.
Well, I have whiney children, so I must go locate some ymmy cashews to shove in their mouths.
Thanks for stopping by!