I can hardly believe how extremely fast this year went. The kids have grown so much and it's sad to see then get bigger...for me anyway. I know it's a part of life, but I would like to keep them cute and innocent for as long as possible. I do console myself in the fact that I take thousands of photos a year and I can create some sort of a shrine to their daily activities.
It has been an excellent year and I am thankful just for living. We have great health after a bout with the lovely flu this past week. You just have to love getting sick over the holidays. It was lovely, but it could always have been worse. Christmas morning was more chaotic than I like it, but there's hopefully next year to tweek.
As for my 2008 New Year's Intentions - I have so many. I would be happy to accomplish just one, because it never seems like I actually do. Every year I write my intentions down and every year they go by the wayside. I'm hoping this year will be different. I'm hoping I work harder, organize better and practice some better time management.
I've finished a few layouts that I would like to share and yes, I know most of them are Kaila. The double pager is from December Pagemaps using The Scrapping Spot's December Figgy Pudding kit. The WAR layout is using January 2008 Pagemap #6. The Cool Dude layout was done using a sketch by Dawn Inskip, but I flipped it. Thanks, Dawn! The Star layout was created using December Pagemaps #6.

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