Christmas Holidays...
Christmas play, Christmas parties, baking, decorations...WOW! There's a lot to do. So, where in my schedule is there time for Stomach Bugs? Answer me that! Oddly enough, it has hit our house starting with poor, little Kaila. I'm just trying to make sure she doesn't get dehydrated, which will land her in the hospital. Plus, I'm hoping it doesn't hit the other two at all, OR it waits until Friday night. I would hate for them to be sick on Christmas day too. Man!
Anyway, Kaila had her Christmas program and it was so cute! I couldn't believe she just stomped right up there and did her little part like a pro! She got to wear her brand new dress that her Grandma Stiles purchased for her birthday. She looked to cute!
She also had the opportunity to talk to Santa to ask for her standard raindeer - Ha!
Blake talked to Santa too, but I'm not sure he even said anything.
We're planning on putting our tree up tomorrow night when Kaila, hopefully, feels better.
I completed a little 6 x 12 layout last week using a Pagemaps halfmap.
I did several other layouts last week, but I have to put finishing touches on all of them before I can post them. I was hoping to go to Scrapbook Station this Friday, but I fear that one of the kids will be sick and I don't want to leave that burden on my poor husband. Oh, well.

That's it for now.
Happy holidays and thanks for stopping by!
1 comment:
she is just beautiful!
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