I must not have received the memo! Summer's almost over??? Why wasn't I informed? You may ask why I think Summer's almost over. Well, I'll tell you. I can't find filters, floaties, blow-up fish, etc. for our pool. Last time I checked, Summer runs from June until September. So, why is it I can't find the items that I require to maintain my little pool for my children? Apparently, you should buy several at the beginning of the Summer. Alas, I am unprepared. Better luck next year, eh?
Regardless of the fact that Summer is coming to a close, I still have so much to accomplish before the children return to school. I'm looking forward to venturing on all of these endeavors when I return home from Michigan. Vacation Bible School is going okay and my part as the "cook" is going better than I expected. I went to purchase ingredients for the menu this week and decided that I was going to turn it into my taxes as "charity" due to the fact that my Father (Preacher) didn't have to purchase these items. I'm feeding 10 people this week! I spent over $221 dollars at the store! Whew! I think this contribution constitutes a tax deduction. What preacher can afford to feed that many people three meals a day for a week? Not this one, I can tell you that. It has been enjoyable making the menu and preparing the meals/snacks/desserts.
The Memory Safe's Scrapathon is under way. I made the sketch for the first challenge, which I was so honored to be asked to do. I am amazed at the entries. They are just awesome! I love what everyone has done with the sketch. My interpretation of the sketch is the layout seen at the top of this blog entry. I apologize if you can't see it very well. Be sure to go to The Memory Safe and checkout everyone's entries in the thread for the first challenge. They have some great mini challenges and prizes that they're giving out. I hope to be able to catch up a bit when I get back later this week. I miss it! It's not as easy to go on the boards with this dinosaur of a computer that my Mother has, but I'm not complaining ;)
Well, I have to go do some of my duties. I'll post when I return home.
See ya!
Hey Shawn, I am right there with you.. summer is almost over and I can not believe it. Have you been in Walmart of Micheal's lately? They already have the Halloween stuff out. What the heck.. can't we just enjoy our summer until after Labor Day? Eeek
Glad things are going well on your trip... Can't wait for you to get back. Miss you at the Safe!
I know what you mean about not finding those filters etc. When we had our pool last year I ran into the same problem and it drove me bonkers.
Loved the sketch and I am loving posting all the challenges this week. Can't wait til you are back in full swing.
I saw pool stuff at Walmart in Hermitage, but it is on clearance. If you hurry up, maybe you can still get stuff.
I have the same problem Shawn and I'm in the desert where it's HOT most of the year. We learned our lesson when we first moved here (mid July) and couldn't find a patio set because it wasn't "in season"???
Great job on the sketch BTW. I'm gonna use it to kick start my mojo :)
WOW! Shawn, that's a whole lotta cookin' going on! I agree that it definitely should consitute a tax deduction on your part!
Great layout! Your little mini-moon with Charlie looks SOOO nice!
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