Hello, Everyone! Long time no blog...
I have a picture to share from our wonderful stay at "The Shack" in Jugville, MI. We had such a nice relaxing time that we'll be staying for four glorious nights next year. Checkout the layout that I did with some of my photos for the first challenge at The Memory Safe this Sunday. Amanda's going to post it for me since I'll be in Michgian to help my parents with Vacation Bible School next week. We're actually already supposed to be there, but someone started reading Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince and couldn't get anything else done ;) Granted, I read it on and off for two days, but it's all tunnel vision as soon as I start one of those books. Now, I'm DYING for the last book. Sheesh! As it is, the 5th movie isn't even coming out until 7-13-07. I'm sure it will be worth the wait.
The month of August is going to be extremely busy for us. We're going to be gone the first week of it, but when we get back there'll be a ton to do! We have the kids' annual birthday celebration the last Saturday in August. We may or may not be getting the house painted prior to the party. I'm so excited to give this house a much needed facelift complete with shutters!
Roo, Lori and I will be going to Scrapbook Station on August 18th to enjoy some scrapping time together. I just love going there. If anyone else wants to join us, just let me know, or sign yourself up...the more, the merrier! Roo and I will have plenty of things too work on (challenges, contests, etc.)!
I'll be getting my ears stapled on the 19th of August in Canton, Ohio. Stapled, you may ask? Yes, it is a form of accupressure that hopefully will help me lose weight, reduce stress and sleep better. It's $60, so I won't be out that much if it actually works. Robin from www.acustaple.com will be performing the procedure. All I can do is hope and pray it works. My DH will be taking me - can you believe it?
Let's not forget that school will be starting here at the end of August as well. I'm not sure when Blake starts Pre-K, but he's so excited.
Well, I'll try to update sooner than later next time.
See ya!
yay! can't wait til august 18th!
Yay you will have so much fun with your scrapping friends. Can't wait to see your LO and good luck with the staple thing.
Good to see you on the blog! :) Let me know how the stapling thing goes, will ya?
Glad to see you updating again. I'm so curious about the ear stapling. Keep me posted as to whether or not it works. Maybe I'll try it! :)
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