I can no longer hide my son's obsession. Yes! You guessed it! He loves women's pantyhose. He loves to feel them, wear them and help us all...dance in them! These photos were taken months ago. As you may have guessed, I just about peed my pants! He's a ham!
I completed my sports themed layout for The Memory Safe's Scraptathalon. Those are photos of me with my natural colored hair in the latter three on the right. Now you see why I insist on blonde hair. Yuck! It is actually the first softball layout that I have done. My mother didn't take a lot of photos when we were younger, so they are few and far between. I managed to actually get my softball photo taken every year, which I am thankful.
I was possessed to take photos of myself by the window in Kaila's room using some natural lighting. I look pretty sad in this photo, but I'm not. I will probably use it in a layout regarding "reflection." And when I say, "Reflection," I mean reflecting possibly on where I thought I would be at this time in my life. I may also just use it on a birthday/age layout. Who knows?
I'm currently procrasting cleaning the house. I have laundry everywhere, dishes need done, things need put away from the yard sale and I haven't even gotten a shower/brushed my teeth. Bad me!
Anyway, enjoy the funny photos!
See ya!
OMG ROFL! Those pictures are so funny Shawn.. I am still rolling. Good thing I wasn't drinking anything when I pulled up your blog.
I am lovin' your layout Shawn. This is stunning. I just love the whole design of it. Awesome job!
Hey did you get a shower yet? lol
OMG about DS! All I can say is, "Son, you've got a panty on your head."- Raising Arizona. You know the part where he steals the Huggies?
I can't laugh at the pictures because my breath was taken away by the single picture of you! IT is beautiful! What a terrific picture! I cannot wait to see the layout! I just love the photo!
That photo of you is absolutely beautiful. You don't look sad you look goreous. Those other photos of your son are way too funny! Good job getting those on record for when he is older, LOL. Love your LO
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