For those of you who say that you don't need a break, don't like one, or just plain miss your kids too terribly to ever consider having them all gone at the same time ever again...are a bunch of liars! It is GLORIOUS! The freedom...glorious FREEDOM! I have to say I do have some slight control issues, which my Mother will attest to, but all-in-all, I'm doing just fine without the children. Thanks for asking! Charlie and I are able to communicate without so much as a peep from anything, let alone little noise-makers (a.k.a. children). Which, I believe Charlie would say is one of the best things about this mini-honeymoon.
We're working hard trying to get some things done here, but we're actually RE-LAX-ING! Imagine that! Who would have thought we'd be able to take a couple moments for ourselves? I have 6 more days until I go get my little darlings. Then, it's off to the rat race again. Very busy!
For now, here are some much anticipated photos. Thanks for peeking!
Unless otherwise stated, the layouts were done using my own sketches.

Watering Hole: I used a Pagemaps sketch for this one.
Golf 101: I used an Alicia Merrifield sketch for this one. You can see the actual sketch on my
sketch blog.

Our diningroom, complete with new windows. Now, if I could just purchase a new table/chairs my Mother would be oh-so-happy! I do have the curtains, but I have to get the pole to put them up. It's on the list, People!

This is T-Bone and the black/white one is Dinner. How ironic that that's what they'll actually be in February. Cruel? I think not. Delicious? Most definitely.

Check this kid out! Click on the photo to get a close up of his facial expression. I laughed out loud!!!

Ok. This photo is used to show you how long her hair is. It may not always be this long, so I just wanted this on record.

Now, this is the photo that made Charlie (Dad) say, "We're going to need to lock her up!" sweet.
TBone and crack me up! Love the dining room and the layouts are great!
Shawn, your photos are AWESOME!! I LOVE the one of Blake. Seriously, LOVE!
Hey, see you in an hour or so for the movie! :)
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