Like me, I'm sure many of you are anticipating, if not dreading the end of the school year. There are pros and cons to this inevitablility. Pro: sleeping in, Pro: ???? Yeah, that's about it. LOL. I'm not going to bore you with the cons, because I'm sure you all know what they are. On the top of the list is, oh...I don't know...fighting? I mean fighting amongst the children, that is. I'm sure mine will survive the summer. To be continued...check back at the end of August. Ha! Ha!
I am actually going to take the children places this summer to ward off the Boredom Demon, so maybe it will go faster than I think. We're going to try and go to the Zoo (Charlie's assistance is required), Olympic Fun Center, Movies, Chuck E. Cheese's, Bounce Around, Bowling...etc. Oh, yes, it's going to be a big ball 'o fun here. Let's not forget the couple of trips to Michigan intermixed in there somewhere. I promised them a trip to Lake Michigan (Grandma's assistance required), so they're really looking forward to that.
Now, here come the photos, People! We were at camp this past weekend and I was lucky enough to get a couple of shots of these chillins of mine. It was also Blake's 7th birthday on Sunday, so we had presents/cake/ice cream. Yum!
Also, in case you're wondering how old these kids are; Nick (10 3/4), Blake(7) and Kaila (5 1/2).
Where did the time go?????
Here are some recent layouts.

Finally, my 35 year old photo taken with my cell phone.
Thanks for stopping by!
cute pics! love your cloud-LO!!
oh beautiful pics and layouts. Love the design and colours.
Great layouts! I really need to learn how to get more pics on a page!
Cute pics and great layouts....I LOVE the Cloud 7 are just too clever!
Love your Work!! Awesome stuff!! :)
And i know what you mean about school being out....I've got 3 that will be home all summer...bored. YAY! LOL!
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