Okay! So, I'm 34 instead of 33 now and guess what? It doesn't feel a whole lot different - LOL! Thanks to everyone who wished me a Happy Birthday. I greatly appreciate the fact that you remembered me :)
I have returned from my Awesome weekend at my Semi-Annual Scrap-A-Way. The time just flies wayyyyy too fast while I'm there. I did get to experience a fabulous restaurant, which I have said I would like to eat at every single time I go there now. It is called "Texas Roadhouse." Can I just say MMMMMMMM! I had a roll, salad, baked pototo AND ribs! I had enough left over for lunch the next day. Wow!
I will have a total of 13 layouts to post from my weekend. I'll be posting them a little at a time due to my BPS LOAD Class - a layout a day. I'll post probably 3-4 to "catch-up." After that, it will be about 1 a day. This layout here is from the 18th. I haven't had a chance to post yet. I used an old Pagemaps sketch to create it.

Today is an inservice day and I have the pleasure of having my friend's three children, as well as my own. They are playing very nicey...for the most part. LOL! I'm still getting a lot done, so I really can't complain.
Until tomorrow...
Thanks for stopping by!
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