Check out this little tush with the froggies on it! Too cute! She lovingly calls this her
"Bitooni." Hee! Hee! When I first tried to put this on her in June, she cried for me to take it off. Now she wants to wear it everywhere. She's wearing it in the picture with Charlie and her sleeping. He laid down with her to get her to sleep while I was watching our pathetic Yard Sale. That didn't go so well, but it's over.
I've purchased everything for the children (Nick/Blake) to go to school. They are so happy/excited. I also purchased some coordinating outfits to take some photos in when we go to camp next month. I'm trying to take their photo in a nice setting every year, which is
CAMP. I can't wait for that photoshoot ;)
On my other homefront,
The Memory Safe, the Scrapathon is going very well. I didn't finish last week's challenge, but I did do a mini challenge today. That is what the card is for. I really enjoyed picking everything out. I was sure we were going to do a layout, but I was surprised it had to be a card. That's great, because I'm so far behind on making cards it isn't even funny! The week's challenge is to make a sport's themed layout. Checkout
www.thememorysafe.com for further details.
I'm busy cleaning and preparing for our annual birthday bash for the children. We always have such a nice time, but I'd love to actually have everything that can be done...
done prior to the day of the party. I strive for it every year, but it hasn't happened yet. I know...optimistic...be optimistic. I'll fill you in on that later.
I'm looking forward to Saturday, which, some of you may know, is when I get my ears stapled by Robin from
www.acustaple.com to help with weightloss/stress/etc. I'm really hoping it will help in conjunction with some much needed exercise. Whew! I got worn out just typing "exercise." LOL! Yeah, I'm in bad shape. I'll keep y'all posted about that :)
So, how's everyone out there doing with their scrapping goals? Have you met them? Have you had time? Have you made time? Are you going to through scrapbooking withdrawal? Drop me a line and let me know how you're doing. I, myself, wish I could scrap everyday, but it's just not happening. Everyday I wake up thinking, "Today's the day!" Then, I look around the house and say, "Yeah, right!" I think I should reward myself for getting little things accomplished. Say...wash off the table...you've earned yourself 3 hrs. guild-free scrapping. Does anyone think that will work? I know, I live in my own little dream world. Hey! I can dream, can't I?
I'm off to do chores as listed above and in my little brain.
See ya!