First Communion went off without a "hitch!" It was a little hair-raising getting the two little ones to cooperate while I was getting ready, but all in all, it went well. Nick didn't drop the host, so I was happy. He was more nervous than I thought he was. No one could get him to smile properly, but none-the-less, he looked very handsome in his suit.
We also had some family photos taken of the entire clan, but I do not have those at this time. My MIL was nice enough to email this one to me. What? You mean YOU didn't have a camera???? Yes, I know! I am sorry to report that I didn't think I would be able to take photos due to the fact that I would be a part of the ceremony, so being the knucklehead that I am, just didn't bring a camera! Lesson learned. Let's move on.
Mother's Day 2006 - It's been a great day so far. I don't usually get anything for Mother's Day besides the phrase, "Happy Mother's Day, Mom!" Oh, and of course the satisfaction that I brought these little munchkins in to the world. Did I say, "I?" I meant, "we." - LOL! Anyway, I received a nice, non-stressed morning followed by a gift certificate for tanning and tanning lotion from DH. Little Nick gave me a handmade bracelet and card. Wow! Not only that, but my wonderful husband cooked me breakfast!!! Can I just tell you out infrequent that is??? Ok. So, I have to go to Wal-Mart and I'm thinking - sheesh! This place is going to be packed! Not only was I able to move fairly freely, but I got part my film developed from this morning's photoshoot. Color me happy! There are many more photos, but I wanted to have the ones with each child and me to post and I don't have Blake's. So, Happy, Happy Mother's Day to me!!!
The Memory Safe Spring Survivor is going great! I'm loving everyone's creations and the overall feel of the way the contest/competition is going. I did a slightly different style for me for Challenge #7, but I love the way it turned out. Of course, the layouts always look better in person, but you have deal with what you have, eh? Challenge #8 - using stamps on a layout, is something I've been wanting to do, but haven't hunkered down and actually completed yet. I'm curious/anxious to see what I come up with.
I have alot to deal with this week, as far as cleaning is concerned. I have my semi-annual Scrapbook Supply Party on Sunday. So, I have to get everything spruced up for the ladies to come and ransack my home - LOL! It's hilarious! I'll have to take a photo this time. It's half-off of the supplies, so you can just imagine.
Well, I have to make a card, so I'll be signing off for now.
Until next time...
Lucky, lucky you to have a husband who not only got you something but made breakfast! glad you had a good day.
oh Shawn he looks sooooo adorable in his suit.
What a great hubby to cook breakfast for you got to love it when they dod that.
he sure is a cutie!
consider yourself tagged now!!! follow me to my blog to see what you must answer!!!
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