Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Thursday, December 21, 2006

Thursday, December 07, 2006

I have two Scrapbook Chalet Design Team assignments completed and would like to share with you. I used photos that are from 1999 and 2002. They are of Nick and Blake. I used the Scrapbook Chalet's Nov/Dec American Traditional Designs kit. I did add a couple of additional items to each layout, but for the most part I used the kit.
It's snowing here! Finally! I hope to take the kids sled riding at my MIL's house Friday or Saturday. It's been several years since I was able to take Winter photos. We just haven't had a lot of snow, or it was to wet to sled ride. So, this will be cool if I can get some photos of the kids ;)
I'm going to attempt to venture out in the snow tonight for volleyball. I hope it's not as bad as the weatherman said it was going to be.
That's it for this short updtae.
Thanks for stopping by!
Saturday, December 02, 2006

I posted a New Sketch Challenge at Scrapbook Chalet. Be sure to check it out and see what you can create. I find that I go faster when I start with a basic sketch.
I plan on scrapping tomorrow evening, as well as the next couple of days after that. I have a lot of challenges/DT assignments I'd like to accomplish.
First on my list is a challenge posted by the Scrapbook Chalet's owner, Laura Gordon. She would like to see a layout created using 2 pp's, 3 photos, journaling, ribbon and 1 flower accent. Sounds easy, eh? It's due Monday the 4th of December. Oddly enough, I've already chosen a sketch I found at Heather Ann Designs posted by Jennifer. I believe it's a digital website, but the sketches are great!
Reminder - ScrapNCircle is having a cyber crop beginning on December 15 through December 17th. Feel free to pop in and complete a challenge, or two...or three ;)
Nothing gets my mojo flowing better than a good challenge!
Volleyball was brutal on Thursday! We had one straight hour of bump-set-spike...bump-set-spike! I was literally DRIPPING with sweat! We then proceeded to our next match, which was OK, but not nearly as grueling. I just LOVE this sport! It's basically the only exercise I get.
For those of you located in the Western PA area, did you get wet on Friday??? I got SOAKED! Kaila and I were coming out of the Dollar Tree and it was just an open faucet! It looked like I just took a shower. That's what I get for not having a hood on my jacket. Kaila was a little more fortunate in that respect. I can't complain though. The city I'm from, Grand Rapids, Michigan, was pelted with a FOOT of SNOW!!! Yeah, count your blessings!
Thanks for stopping by!
Thursday, November 30, 2006

I'm finally posting! Yes, I know! I really just don't have a whole lot going on right now. Today is the last day of November 2006. Thanksgiving was very nice with tons of awesome food. It was very leisurely this year due to the children being pretty much self sufficient. I didn't have to chase them around and make sure they didn't break anything. That was really nice. I actually got to sit and chat.
I can hardly believe how fast this whole year has gone. Christmas is right around the corner! I've gotten quite a bit of shopping done, but still have a lot to do. Imagine that!
I just wanted to let everyone know about a couple of things going on in the scrapbooking world. First of all, Scrapbook Chalet is having a major contest starting tomorrow. The grand prize is a CRICUT!!! If you haven't seen one of these machines, you're living on another planet - LOL! It is just awesome! So, to win...ya gotta play! Checkout www.scrapbookchalet.com for more details.
Secondly, ScrapNCircle is winding down their Surviving the Circle competition with just three players left. My "spunky" layout is for this week's challenge - play along. The site is having a weekend crop starting December 15th and running until the 17th. So, be sure to stop by www.scrapncircle.com and join us. It's always a lot of fun and the challenges are great!
Lastly, The Memory Safe is just finishing the final touches on the premier kit featuring Fancy Pants since the new owner, Amy Norman, took over along with one of her friends. The site's first contest has also been going on and should be wrapping up soon. Not sure exactly what's in store after that, but Amy's pretty creative, so you'll have to check it out!
I'll be going to play co-ed volleyball tonight for a double-header. It's always good for some calorie burning. And, since I eat wayyyyy too much, that's a good thing!
Ear Stapling Update - I found that this particular weight loss method was unsuccessful for me. So, I had DH remove them. Needless to say, he didn't operate the easy tool properly the first time, so I just about hit the roof, but I survived. The last three he took out I could barely feel. It's really nice to be able to scrub my ears again.
Anyway, there's my quick update. Hope all is well with all of you!
See ya!
Friday, November 17, 2006

Log time...no blog! Well, I must say that time is flying! I CAN NOT believe that it is already the middle of November and the holidays are upon us. I'm really looking forward to them and actually have a lot of shopping done.
First on my list is the Grand Opening of Scrapbook Chalet http://www.scrapbookchalet.com . They have a brand new website, new kits and awesome members! It's a great place to hang out. So, if you get a chance, pop on over and checkout all of the great contests/challenges we have going on. The Design Team is currently working on the November kits and should have some layouts up very soon.
I've been hard at work creating new layouts to use up some of my stash. It's been liberating to use a lot of my "old" stuff. I do, however, have other layouts with newer lines, because we all know it's so darned hard not to purchase the yummy new stuff ;)
I had posted a sketch challenge on ScrapNCircle for their Surviving the Circle contest and the two page layout titled, "Tree Fan," is what I created using that sketch.
I also posted a sketch challenge over at Scrapbook Chalet with a deadline of tomorrow. That layout is titled "Ahhh...finally gifts." So, if you happen to see this and can whip out a layout, be sure and post it under the "Sketches" forum and we'll be voting on who received the RAK that I'll send.
Thanks for stopping by!
Tuesday, November 07, 2006

I had an awesome weekend of scrapping! I was absolutely thrilled to go to a 24 hours crop complete with great food, great friends and all the scrapping I could handle! It was great! I completed 8 layouts, along with helping a friend of mine do some of her layouts. I can't wait until next year!
I scrapped this AM to complete a Scraplift Challenge over at ScrapNCirlce. I love how it turned out. It really does look a lot better in person.
I have plans to go to my Stampin' Up Stamp Club tomorrow night, as well as visit the LSS and scrap at my friend, Lori's house. It will be a great day I'm sure.
Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Ahhh, a rainy day here in paradise...
Can I just say that I wish the rain would cease for a measley day? I mean really, can't we have a little peace to go trick-or-treating without getting drenched? It's bad enough to have to trudge through the mud, but come on!
I have a couple of things coming up that are exciting this week! The Scrapbook-Chalet is set to have its grand opening tomorrow. Yeah! I can't wait to see the new website and see what Laura has in store for everyone.
The Memory Safe is going to have a new contest very soon with some exciting new challenges. Sign-up ASAP.
Scrap-n-Circle is constantly having challenges and sales over there. So, go check it out and join in on the fun!
Not much scrapping going on here, but I'm going to a crop this Friday. Wahooooo!!!! I can't wait!
The layout that I posted today was completed for Scrap-N-Circle's Surviving the Circle - Play Along. I made this cedar chest my Junior year in high school. I hope for it to be a precious heirloom one day to my daughter.
Thanks for looking!
Wednesday, October 25, 2006
I saw this on Roo's blog and decided I'd like to answer some of these questions.
1. In two words, explain what ended your last relationship? he cheated
2. When was the last time you shaved your legs? (yesterday) Monday afternoon
3. What were you doing this morning at 8am? eating breakfast
4. What were you doing 15 minutes ago? scrapping
5. Are you good at maths? yes
6. Your formal night? LOL!
7. Do you have any famous ancestors? unknown
8. Have you ever taken out a loan to pay for school? No.
9. Do you know the words to the song on your myspace profile? no sure
10. Last thing received in the mail? DH's paycheck :)
11. How many different beverages have you drank today? tea, water, Diet Rite
12. Do you ever leave messages on people's answering machines? Yes.
13. Who did you lose your CONCERT virginity to? Never been to one. I don't like that much noise.
14. Do you draw your name in the sand when you go to the beach? No
15. What's the most painful dental procedure you've had? Nothing
16. What is out your back door? breezeway leading to a porch
17. Any plans for Friday night? Yes.
18. Do you like the ocean? never been
19. Have you ever received one of those big tins of 3 different kinds of popcorn? Yes, I like the caramel.
20. Have you ever been to a planetarium? No.
21. Something you are excited about? Re-opening of the Memory Safe and the big contest and the Grand Opening of Scrapbook-Chalet!
22. What is your favorite flavor of jelly? strawberry
23. Are any of your great-grandparents still alive? no
24. Describe your keychain. It's just a plain ring.
25. Where do you keep your change? In my purse, pocket, kitchen drawer, dresser, car, "piggy" bank
26. When was the last time you spoke in front of a large group of people? Unsure
27. What kind of winter coat do you have? pink/white/grey
28. What was the weather like on your graduation? gorgeous
29. Do you sleep with the door to your room open or closed? slightly open
30. What are your siblings middle names? Andrew, Daniel, Lynn
31. Where is your dad right now? Vacation in Massanutten, TN
32. What was the last thing you said? "Tell Troy Thanks!"
33. What is something you've learned about yourself recently? I'm a tad too fat.
34. What color is your watch? I don't wear a watch.
35. What do you think of when you think of Australia? Steve Irwin
36. When was the last time you squatted to pee? Probably about 20 years
37. Who is the last person you liked? Don't know.
38. Are you close to your mom? Yes.
39. Where does your best friend work? Chris Levitt Electric (DH)
40. What is your least attractive feature? Stomach
41. How old were you when you started wearing a bra? 9
42. What color are your pants? blue denim
43. Do you have a roommate? DH
44. What color is your bedroom flooring? hardwood floor
45. Do you have a chair in your room? no
46. What time of day were you born? at night
47. Do you know anyone who is engaged? no
48. What's your favorite number? 17
49. Do you know anyone named Laurie? yes
50. What color is your mom's hair? red
51. Do you have a dog? no
52. Where did you live in 1987? Manton, Michigan
53. What happened to you in 1993? I was living on my own in a different state than any of my reletives.
54. Does your first memory involve your dad? yes
55. Do you remember singing any songs as kids? yes
56. When was the last time you went swimming? In August
57. Has your luggage ever gotten lost? no
58. When was the last time you talked to one of your siblings? 5 days ago
59. Did you ever go to camp as a kid? yes - church camp
60. Do you play an instrument? piano
61. Have you ever thought it would be Cool to smash a guitar? no
62. Do you like fire? yes
63. Where is your best friend from? Edinburg, PA
64. Are you allergic to anything? Penicillin
65. When was the last time you cried? Saturday the 21st
66. What kind of shampoo do you use? Pantene, Finesse, Suave, Head & Shoulders
67. Have you ever been to a spa? no
68. Were you popular in high school? No
69. Did you take science all four years of high school? yes
70. Do you like butterflies? yes; they are beautiful
71. What is the last book you read? Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince
72. Do you like Coke or Pepsi more? Pepsi
73. What is one thing you miss about your past? Lack of freedom
74. Did you ever see the school nurse? yes
75. Have you ever wanted to be a teacher? Yes
76. What is one thing you've learned about your life recently? I love it.
78. Are you jealous of anyone? No.
79. Is anyone jealous of you? Yes.
80. When was the last time you were in an elevator? September 17th
Monday, October 23, 2006

Just a quick update and a few layouts. There's not really a whole lot going on here at the moment. My parents were here for a couple days...I'm sure it was just for my Mom to kick my butt playing Scrabble, but we had fun nonetheless.
I had my scrapbook supply party on Saturday. The kids seemed to have a lot of fun and no one got hurt. So, I was happy. Oh, and let's not forget that my house is clean and hopefully will remain that way for 5-10 days ;)
Sunday I informed DH that I would be scrapping since the house was clean. Well, I didn't get a whole lot done, but I did get to scrap between emergencies and obligations. I was trying to do some of the challenges for ScrapNCircle's ScrapNSpooktacular this past weekend. I was able to get two layouts done for the crop and one finished that I had started last week. It was a nice and leisurely Sunday though. That always makes me happy.
Today I have to spruce up the house so it doesn't get out of hand. Then, I have volleyball practice tonight. I'm really looking forward to some exercise. Speaking of exercise, I have lost 9 pounds since I started this "new way of eating." I'm really happy about that and will hopefully stick with it. I'd like to be into my size 12's comfortably by Christmas. That's not too much to ask.
That concludes my quick update. Enjoy the layouts!
Tuesday, October 17, 2006

I've been cropped out of the circle! Yes, much to my dismay, I was cropped out of the Surviving the Circle competition going on at ScrapNCircle. I was the last to upload and since everyone except the person with immunity had one vote, I was automatically cropped due to my untimeliness. I'm going to still try and play along. My layout for this week is in the works. I did, however, enhance my Week #3 layout. I added some more chipboard and the rest of my title that I couldn't get to work before.
"Kaila's Special of the Day" and "Stiles" was inspired by an Ad Challenge posted at ScrapNCircle. I'm thinking I'm going to go looking for some other ads to inspire me ;)
We're still anticipating the long awaited Scrapbook-Chalet Grand Opening. We're anxious to see what the new site has in store.
I'm currently getting ready for the arrival of my parents on Thursday. Yes, there's much to do since I've been scrapping so much lately. I've found some laundry to put away that I haven't seen in months. Who knew my kids really DO have a ton of socks and underwear? It's always an accomplishment to me when I can empty a laundry basket putting items in their proper location. Ahhhh.
Well, I'm off to get something to eat, maybe feed the children and finish some much needed house cleaning.
See ya!
Thursday, October 12, 2006

Another Surviving the Circle layout has been completed. I couldn't get my computer to work very well. I was going to do a hand cut subt title - through the years. But, alas, it would not cooperate. So, given the supplies on the island, this is what I came up with. I can't believe how much Nick has changed. He looks so old at 8. I had a lovely dream that my other son was only 1 1/2 years old. When, in reality, he is really 4 1/2. They're growing tooooo fast!
Scrapbook-Chalet will be having its GRAND OPENING on October 15th and I just couldn't be more excited. The Memory Safe website is now owned and operated by our lovely Amy Norman. A big congrats goes out to her as she prepares many new and exciting things! Keep your eyes peeled for both of these awesome websites!
I have absolutely no plans for this weekend, except cleaning...cleaning and more cleaning. I truly love an uneventful weekend when things need to be done. I'm going to need the weekend, because next week is almost booked! My parents will be in town on the 19th, which I am always happy about. They'll actually be spending two nights, which is odd when my Father comes as well.
Anyway, I've got to get caught up with today's events. You know...teeth brushed...refrigerator with milk all over the floor cleaned...laundry...etc.
See ya!
Sunday, October 08, 2006

Holy Cow! It's been a week since I last posted on this poor blog! I can't believe how fast this week went. I've been busying scrappin' up a storm! Ya gotta do it when your mojo's flowin'! I created 11 layouts since I last posted. I did 8 of them within 72 hours. I don't have those scanned, so you'll have to go to www.scrapncircle.com to check those ones out. I did, however, scan in my ScrapNCircle Design Team projects for October. I used the 3Bugs Jovial line. I still have another project to complete using Kaila as my subject. I really enjoyed working with these papers.
I did do my second layout for SNC's Surviving the Circle Competition. I was allowed to use textured cardstock, patterned paper, eyelets, brads, sandpaper, pens and adhesive. We were ALSO required to also use two pieces of fabric and items from our children's clothing. Just so you all know, I DID NOT put lipstick or anything on Blake's lips. They're just RED! It's just amazing what you can create given guidelines.
Well, Volleyball has finally started! I have the sore muscles to prove it! I started the Ellwood league on Thursday. It's a little far away, but it's great fun and exercise! Yeah, yeah...that's it...EXERCISE! It may just be the only exercise I actually get. So, from now until April, I'll be busy on Mondays and Thursdays (insert huge smile here).
What does this week entail? Well, let me just tell you...ALMOST nothing! The scheduling should be pretty nice this week. I don't have a whole lot going on, but there are some places I need to be. I should be able to get some actual housework accomplished this week. Because, we ALL know that I didn't do much this week with all my scrappin' going on ;)
My dearly beloved parents will be joining us for a few days next week. I always enjoy their visits. I usually get to play Scrabble with my Mother. Yeah, you'll see a layout with pictures about that soon.
Anyway, enough about me. What's going on with all of you? I seriously enjoy any and all comments made to this blog. So, I thank you immensely for taking the time to post.
Sunday, October 01, 2006

Just a tad to share with y'all today. First of all, I was featured in this month's www.pagemaps.com newletter. I was sooo excited. The layout I did with the sketch Becky provided is called "Photoshoot Madness." I was so excited to get the sketch and see my layout in the newsletter. I know I've said it before, but I'll say it again...I just love PAGE MAPS!!!
Secondly, I have had a few people ask how my ear stapling has been going. Well, I did sleep very well after I had the procedure done, but I wasn't seeing the results with the appetite control. So, I went and had two sets put in each ear. Let me tell you...it hurt like a son of a gun!!! Holy cow! If it doesn't work this time, I'll just take them out and be done with it. I do still sleep VERY well though. It's worth it just for that.
Thirdly, The Memory Safe's Scraptathalon is coming to a close this evening. It's been great. I posted a mini challenge at the beginning of the week regarding the cleaning of scrap areas. I actually completed some of that and here is an after shot of what I was able to do. It isn't finished by any stretch, but it's way better than it was.
Fourthly, and certainly not to be put towards the bottom of my "list," is ScrapNCircle's Survivor competition. I made it to the second round! Yeehaa!! I just love being able to complete the challenges. These girls are so spunky and creative. I just love it!
Blake, Kaila and I also took a field trip to Apple Castle in New Castle, PA, complete with hay ride and demonstration of the Apple-Picking process. We then were able to purchase some items in their store, including freshly made donuts. YUM!!!!
I hope to be able to scrap something this evening. How about you?
Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Photoshoot with darling son, Blake! Yes! You heard it here! Blake ASKED for me to take his picture. Can you believe it??? So, of course, I just had to take 25-30 photos right on the spot! Here are some of my favorites. There are so many other really funny ones. He just slayed me!
I also was able to complete my layout for ScrapNCircle's Survivor competition. I had to use 4 different pp's of Cherry Arte paper, eyelets and our team won the Bazzill! I did a lot of exacto work, but I'm happy with the results.
Also, I completed the bonus challenge for September points at ScrapNCircle. I had to use 10 different manufacturers and at least 6 different patterened papers. So, this is what I came up with.
Anyway, I have to get DH some ice cream, so I'll post again within a couple of days.
Sunday, September 24, 2006

I've been tagged by Angelina!
Can you believe that sweet woman thinks I have at least 5 WEIRD things about myself to share? I just can't even imagine!
I may be here awhile - LOL!
1. I don't like anyone to touch my neck in any way, shape or form. I may have been killed by strangulation in another life.
2. I write on my hand anytime I absolutely don't want to forget to do something.
3. My hands are as big as my husband's. Which, for a person who is only 5' 4" tall, is pretty weird...I think anyway. DH is 6' tall. Oh, and just so we're clear, his hands AREN'T small...mine are just BIG!!!!
4. If I decide I'd like to read, I need to make sure I have everything else done, or it will have to wait. When I open a good book, I don't do anything else until it's finished!
5. I can leave the sink full of dishes for days, but when the dishes are done the sink must be scrubbed to a perfect shine, or it drives me nuts!
Okay! Okay! So, I came up with 5 things. Ange obviously knows me better than I thought she did!
Thanks for making me spill, Ange!
On the lighter side of things, I had a ScrapDay for the girls and two were able to attend. My sister-in-law, Donna and Roo from The Memory Safe. We had a great time and were able to accomplish somethings, as well as get to know each other a little better. I absolutely LOVE having friends over to scrap. I highly recommend it ;) Anytime, Girls! Anytime! I really appreciate that you were both able to come. Thanks!
Here's a layout that I did yesterday. Roo is on the right and I am on the left. She actually got her hair cut and MY husband thinks it makes her look even younger. Two thumbs up on the new do, Roo! I used another Becky Fleck sketch for this layout. I just love www.pagemaps.com!
Scrapbook Station - October 6th - call to reserve your spot today. For those of you who have a BPC membership, that could be your FREE crop!
See ya for now!
Friday, September 22, 2006

What's a girl to do? I'm going through withdrawal!!! I can't get into The Memory Safe and I don't know what's going on with anyone. I seriously hope it gets fixed very soon.
I'm currently trying to get ready for the Crop that I'm hosting on Saturday. I think DH likes when I have things here, because sometimes that's the only time everything/anything gets cleaned. Sad, but true. I'm working on scrubbin the carpets today. I must say, they're filthy. It's quite embarassing!
Roo - you need to call for directions when you're ready. DH will have to give them to you ;)))
Oh, and guess what??? My house is almost done getting painted. They started yesterday and it's almost finished. I can hardly believe it!!! Granted, it's not a drastic color change, but hey! It looks new to us ;) I'll post before and after when DH gets the shutters on.
Here are a couple more of my creations from last weekend and the day before yesterday. The "Cousins" one is from a sketch that Holly did over at www.scrapncircle.com. Check it out! They're constantly having challenges, contests and they give great advice. They're just hilarious!
One last bit of news for y'all. I received a sketch from Becky Fleck over at www.pagemaps.com to complete for her October Newsletter. I'm not sure how many people she has doing this particular sketch and I'm not even sure if I'll be featured or not. I'm just tickled she's giving me the opportunity. She has awesome sketches and a great newsletter every month.
See ya for now!
Monday, September 18, 2006

I can't get in!!! Yes, it has been a horrible day to try and get into The Memory Safe. I don't know if I'm the only one, or if I've been banned! Somebody, anybody...help!!!???
Since I can't in there, I would like to post my take on Challenge #8 on here. I chose to scraplift the amazingly talented Jeanne! Thanks for the inspiration! My layout started out a lot more like Jeanne's, but it took on a life of its own. I couldn't have done it without you, Jeanne.
I'll try and post my mini-challenge tomorrow. I just hope TMS works, or my computer does.
If someone of TMS could email me at lahrshawn@wardcom.net to let me know what's going on, if anything, that would be great.
Tuesday, September 12, 2006

I have some exciting news to share! I was selected to be one of the newest Design Team members for Scrap-N-Circle. It is an online scrapbook store. It's filled with enthusiastic, creative women. I'll be designing for them every other month. So, a big shout out goes to Jeri for giving me this opportunity. Thanks!
I actually just completed a layout for a challenge posted by Michelle Strach. It was a LOVE Challenge. I was to list what I love about the person/people I chose and have a heart somewhere on the layout. This is what I came up with.
I'm currently getting ready to attend our Semi-annual Scrap-a-Way. It's three days and two nights of scrapping bliss! I simply can't wait! I have one draw back at this point and it is a chest cold!!! Can you believe it! What the heck??? I'm also thinking we need to have some sort of name for our group. I must talk to our leader...
My Mother will be here tomorrow afternoon from Michigan to help watch over the little children whilst I'm away. Yes, she's a saint!
One more bit of news is the fact that after 10 years of living in this house, we're having it painted! Yeah, Baby! And, wait for it....wait for it...we're getting shutters too!!! Color me excited. It's going to be a tan house with blue shutters. I can't wait to see the transformation. I forgot to mention that Charlie has been preparing the house for painting and needed a little help with the fascia. For those of you who don't know what fascia is, it is a flat board or band used as molding. The particular piece that I was helping him install was on the garage. Long story short, I had to ascend a steep ladder. NOT FUN!!!! Needless to say, I made is safely back down to the ground. Whew!
Last, but not least, I would like to share this darling photo of my daughter, Kaila. She'll be three next month. I just can't believe it!
Thanks for taking a peek and sharing in my excitement!
Thursday, September 07, 2006

I scrapped! It was great! I took all of my stuff to camp with us this past weekend, so if I felt froggy I could create. I wasn't able to post anything, because our laptop didn't get any reception - arggghhh! I did a layout for each child. I hope they all upload.
Please? - Nick begging Papa to go fishing...in early MARCH!
First Dental Visit - Blake at his first appointment. I got the idea from Angelina to actually take a camera to the visit. Thanks!
ART - Kaila using my stamping ink. I did this for a challenge at The Memory Safe. I had to use basic supplies. It's not as easy as you'd think after you're used to all of the glitz and glam. I really like how it turned out though.
There's my boy, Blake, before I took him to his very first day of Pre-K. He was so excited! He was bouncing off of the walls. He had a great time and can't wait to go again on Friday.
Before I sign off for today, I must tell everyone how extremely anxious, excited and thrilled I am to go scrapping next weekend with "The Girls." We scrap Friday, Saturday and until 2:00 p.m. on Sunday. We stay at the hotel and everything. It is just awesome to be able to concentrate on using my scrapbook supplies. I just can't wait!
See ya!
Tuesday, September 05, 2006
1. Which famous person would you most like to learn that you are descended from? Don't know.
2. Which famous person would you hate to learn that you are descended from? Hitler.
3. If you could be ancestor to any living famous person, who would it be and why? Don't know.
4. If you could go back in time and meet any known ancestor(s) of yours, who would it be? This I actually have an answer to. I would love to have met my Grandmother on my Father's side. I keep hearing what an amazing woman she was and would have liked to have known her.
5. Tag five others. Angelina, Terry, SpoilAmy, Angela and Elise.
Friday, September 01, 2006

Can you believe it's 12:16 a.m. and I'm actually scrapping??? It's been awhile since I've stayed up this late at home scrapping! I decided to do a scraplift challenge from TRW. I scraplifted Cindy a.k.a. RustyBucket. Hers is the dog layout and mine is obviously the girly layout ;) Cindy, if you see this, I hope you don't mind me showing how you inspired my creation. Thanks a bunch!
I'm supposed to be getting ready to go away this weekend. What am I doing? Procrastinating! Yes, I am a pro! I am looking forward to hopefully scrapping up at camp too - hee! hee!
I took a couple funny photos of Kaila and myself on Wednesday. See how much she's grown??? I can't believe how big she is. If I posted something to that affect earlier, I apologize.
Anyway, enjoy the layouts and the photos!