I'm finally posting! Yes, I know! I really just don't have a whole lot going on right now. Today is the last day of November 2006. Thanksgiving was very nice with tons of awesome food. It was very leisurely this year due to the children being pretty much self sufficient. I didn't have to chase them around and make sure they didn't break anything. That was really nice. I actually got to sit and chat.
I can hardly believe how fast this whole year has gone. Christmas is right around the corner! I've gotten quite a bit of shopping done, but still have a lot to do. Imagine that!
I just wanted to let everyone know about a couple of things going on in the scrapbooking world. First of all, Scrapbook Chalet is having a major contest starting tomorrow. The grand prize is a CRICUT!!! If you haven't seen one of these machines, you're living on another planet - LOL! It is just awesome! So, to win...ya gotta play! Checkout www.scrapbookchalet.com for more details.
Secondly, ScrapNCircle is winding down their Surviving the Circle competition with just three players left. My "spunky" layout is for this week's challenge - play along. The site is having a weekend crop starting December 15th and running until the 17th. So, be sure to stop by www.scrapncircle.com and join us. It's always a lot of fun and the challenges are great!
Lastly, The Memory Safe is just finishing the final touches on the premier kit featuring Fancy Pants since the new owner, Amy Norman, took over along with one of her friends. The site's first contest has also been going on and should be wrapping up soon. Not sure exactly what's in store after that, but Amy's pretty creative, so you'll have to check it out!
I'll be going to play co-ed volleyball tonight for a double-header. It's always good for some calorie burning. And, since I eat wayyyyy too much, that's a good thing!
Ear Stapling Update - I found that this particular weight loss method was unsuccessful for me. So, I had DH remove them. Needless to say, he didn't operate the easy tool properly the first time, so I just about hit the roof, but I survived. The last three he took out I could barely feel. It's really nice to be able to scrub my ears again.
Anyway, there's my quick update. Hope all is well with all of you!
See ya!
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