Well, Charlie brought the tree into the house on Friday night. Which was a good thing, because it snowed quite a bit that night. Later on Saturday, Charlie put the tree up on and Kaila and I decorated it while Blake observed for a while. Come to find out, the tree is actually crooked. Not just a little crooked either. There is only one angle where it looks half way decent. It is a blue spruce, which is my tree of choice. I love the short needles and tighter branches. It seems like you can put more ornaments on there and they can also be heavier. My whole family has informed me that next year they want colored lights. Oh, the groaning that came out of their mouths when they saw the clear lights!
Besides getting the tree decorated, I also made homemade bologna with deer meat, baked white bread and honey wheat breads, and made four pounds of deer jerky. It all turned out pretty well. The jerky is slightly sweet, but is yummy anyway. It's the way I like it. It seemed like I spent a lot of time in the kitchen.
Charlie worked on the basement. We have a little issue with the previous owners never removing the forms in the basement floor prior to pouring the next batch of concrete. The house is fairly old, so as you may imagine the wood (forms) rotted and water seeps into the basement. While he was working on the basement, we discussed our plans for it. It does have potential as soon as it's dry.
Charlie also installed a locking door on my scraproom. This will help for the Christmas season (wink! wink!) and also it will allow the heat from my space heater to remain in that enclosed area. I tested it last night and it works VERY well.
This week has been busy...big surprise! I helped with Kaila's Kindergarten Brunch on Monday, followed by shopping. Then, on Tuesday I received a shot in my elbow (tendanitis), which is always lovely. Hey! At least I didn't almost pass out this time. Again, I followed that up with shopping. I have never shopped so much for the Christmas season. It's very tiring. I don't recommend it. In fact, I normally purchase most of my gifts online. In hindsight, I find that to be the way to go. It's less stressful. I'm also fairly certain that I spend less money that way. The children are loaded up this year. I'm going to have to reevaluate my strategy next year. I have a ton of wrapping to do, not to mention I still have to take a trip to Wal-Mart tonight.
On today's list is the usual cleaning, cooking, laundry and maybe...maybe some packing.
I better get to gettin'!
Thanks for stopping by!