Look at this darling boy sitting on the breezeway steps. He was waiting to go on his sleepover to Mrs. Schwarz's house. I had her girls and she had my boys for the night. I don't know exactly what the boys did, but the girls danced, watched a movie (Space Buddies), played in the sandbox, made fans with cards, played play-doh and painted. Whew! I'm tired just typing all that. They were all thrilled to be able to sleep on the blow-up mattress in the livingroom. All four of them were able to sleep on it sideways. Although, I think Annie started out on the bean bag. I was exhausted by 10:30, so I went to bed while 3/4 of them were still awake. Kaila couldn't take that much fun. I think she was sleeping by 9:00. They were all bright-eyed and bushy-tailed by 7:00 a.m. I look forward to seeing what type of trouble the boys can get into next time ;)
We're still preparing for the arrival of our calves this weekend. Charlie's been working on their shelter. It's painted red. Guess whose idea that was. Oh, and the chicks will be coming in two weeks as well. Blake will be taking care of those.
Speaking of animals, Motor (our hamster) is doing very well. He's just cute as all get-out and very active in the evening. He has to sleep downstairs because I can't sleep while he's exercising.
Here's a layout I did for my sketch blog. I have several more two-page sketches in my arsenal for the upcoming months.
I'll be able to scrap a lot more, due to the fact that my scraproom is ALMOST ready. I am soooo excited about that. I'll be working more on that this weekend.
Kaila was screened for Kindergarten last week. She did VERY well and is excited to go to Kindergarten. I can't even imagine what it's going to be like to be by myself all day for 5 days straight. It will be weird, but I'll TRY to get used to it :) That's still 4 months away.
That's about all that's going on here right now.
Thanks for stopping by!