It appears that the house is actually ours! The word is out that it is SOLD and they're continuing to move stuff out of the house/garages. The house inspection is this afternoon and there are other inspections, etc. happening midweek.
It is also no longer a secret form the children. Charlie caved and told Nick yesterday, because he was sad he wasn't going to get to go salmon fishing with Grandpa Stiles this year. Sigh!!! Ahhh, the sacrifices one must make. I'm ruining his Summer don't you know! Now, there are endless questions and plans for several mini-farms on the 27 acres. Who didn't know that was going to happen? The kid has his own agenda. Oh, and Blake knows he gets a hamster now. So, he wants hamster "stuff" for his birthday. That ought to be fun having a miniature RAT in the house.
Here are a couple layouts that I have finished in the last week or so. "Early Reader" was inspired by Cathy's Soccer layout over at The Scrapping Spot. Thanks, Cathy!
I used The Scrapping Spot's June Boy Kit for the Reader and Pancake layouts.

The sketch for the pancake layout is on my other blog -
Thanks for stopping by!
Hey Shawn,
That is awesome I am so glad you closed on the house and property. My sister in KY just moved in a brand new home over 3,000 square ft of living on an acres. She is very excited and happy.
Congrats on the new house!
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