Oh, the pictures I could show you! I COULD, but I fear it would be too unforgiveable. My son, Nick, would more than likely smother me in my sleep. I'll give you the jist of what they are. Can you picture this - 9 year old BOY + upside down pink padded bra? There's a mental picture I'm sure you could live without. Picture that and add some "striking" poses. HA!!!! I just about wet myself when he was hamming it up. Sheesh! I will allow myself the pleasure of posting some of the "said" poses reenacted by my 4 year old GIRL. You think that's funny? OMG! If I could only put you over the top with the 9 year old antics!
Moving on...
I was able to complete a couple layouts today. I did one for SPOT TAG over at http://www.thescrappingspot.com/. I lifted one of Ari's amazing creations. Hers is titled "Strong Family." I thank her for the inspiration. I did another one for an upcoming issue of http://www.pagemaps.com/. I just LOVE both of these sites. So much fun and ideas are amazing!

Anyway, I must complete my domestic duties. Next up...meal prepartion. Yeah!
Thanks for stopping by!