My most prized possession...
is the hope chest that I made in eleventh grade. I paid $74.50 for the wood/hinges. It's made several moves with me from Michigan to Pennsylvania (a couple different locations) until resting in its current location. I didn't really care what happened to anything else in my dwelling, but I was very involved in the relocation of this one piece. I'm not a terribly sentimental person and I could always purchase a new hope chest, but it wouldn't come with the memories of carefully choosing the wood, designing the "backsplash" or the many hours of sanding it to get it to the exact smoothness that I desired. I have a lot of great memories going to my shop class my Junior year. It was one of my most favorite classes. I loved to make things that were going to be useful. I'm not into things that aren't practical. So, when I look at this hope chest I not only see an heirloom for my daughter and her daughters...I see the many cherished memories that go with it.
Thanks for stopping by!
That is a wonderful treasure!! How awesome. I hope that someday it will be a family treasure!
Great job on this!!!! Thanks for playing....
That is BEAUTIFUL! You MADE that?!?!!! Gorgeous! My did does woodwork and I always wished I had learned to do that...it is an art.
GORGEOUS! I love that hope chest...no wonder you place it as your Number 1 prized posession...
Thanks for sharing
That is a wonderful treasure. beautiful page
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