Scrapin4me gave us a little challenge/inspiration over at The Memory Safe. Thanks, Girl!
Lets share our scrapping habits... sharing ideas and answers is a great way to learn things about your friends that you may not have known. Use the questions below as the basis for your blog today.
How often do you scrap? 1-3 times a week...if I'm lucky.
When do you prefer to scrap? Evenings.
How long do you typically scrap for? 3-4 hrs.
How many layouts do you complete in a month? 5-10.
Prefer to scrap alone, with a friend or at a crop? Scrapping is scrapping, whenever...wherever!
Favorite scrappin munchie? Chocolate!!!!
Favorite beverage? (obviously, in a sippy glass... placed away from pictures and layouts) Diet Mountain Dew
How do you organize your sessions for scrapping? I just jump right in!
Do you build page kits? No.
Do you make power layouts? No.
How often do you use sketch challenges? I love sketches, so if I have the time I'm willing to do them.
How often do you scrap lift? Not very often, but when I do I really enjoy the outcome.
Do you watch tv, movies, or listen to the music? TV.
Do you crop sitting ot standing? Both, but for the most part standing.
What albums or themes are you currently working on? I don't work chronologically at all. I scrap what I want, when I want.
Any tips or tricks to share? Just the usual...have all of your most used tools/supplies at the tips of your fingers.
Anything else you want to tell share about your scrapping habits? I've been trying to clean off the area each time, so that it's fresh for the next project. That's about it.
Tuesday, June 27, 2006
Monday, June 26, 2006

We had a lovely time when my Mother came to visit last week. Of course there is a lot of housework to do due to the fact that I've been ill. So, it bugged her that there was clean laundry stacked everywhere. Ah, such is life. I kept telling her I was doing really well before I was ill. Laundry just sneaks right up on you really fast with five people - KWIM? Anyway, she took the boys back to Michigan with her and swears up and down that they're doing fine. I talked to both of them on the phone this morning. Nicholas just sounds so old!!! His voice sounds too deep for almost 8. Blake was a tad distraught because he wasn't allowed to go in the freezing cold pool that my Mother had just put up, because he's getting over pnemonia. Go figure! Needless to say, the house is sooooo quiet without them here. It's weird, but nice/different.
I'm sorry to say that I was sick on Sunday...again! I didn't even take any meds. I don't know what's going on. I slept most of the day and was still able to go to sleep very easily at midnight. Don't ask me. I just don't know. I want to finish the meds and be done with it. I'm not sure that I'll be healed, but at least I tried.
We're leaving for Michigan on Thursday for the weekend. I hope I feel well enough, because DH and I are going to a bed and breakfast for two nights. Yes, you heard it here! That's TWO nights, Baby!!! Wish me luck.
I've finished three layouts so far with TMS Daisy D's July Kit. I have to tell you that bright colors intimidate me, so I did the best I could. The kit was packed with so much stuff! I still have an altered project to do. I'm thinking about a mini brag book. We'll see.
I also did some layouts with the Basicgrey Urban Couture. How can you not LOVE this stuff? Basicgrey just rocks!
That's about all that's going on here. Not really exciting at the moment. Not that it ever is, but it's my life and I Like it!!!
See ya!
Monday, June 19, 2006
This isn't good. I would swear that if someone were to chop my head off right now, I would shake their hand as my bloody stump of a body hit the ground. I can't even imagine what Angela's going through right now. God bless you, Woman! I hope they're at least giving you some pain killers. I have a bacterial infection, a.k.a. a sinus infection. It is in my jaw and teeth, as well as the rest of my head. My teeth are absolutely killing me! I got medicine - Avelox on Saturday night. I took the first pill that night. I woke up half dead on Sunday to the point where Charlie actually took care of all three kids the entire day while I was in bed. Yeah, you know it's bad when he takes care of the kids and I'm still in the house. DH took the kids to his father's house at about 6:00 p.m. I was puking by 7:00 p.m. and then again a little after 9:00 p.m. This medicine doesn't specify that it must be taken with food. I took it with water and a couple Ritz crackers. My appetite is absent, even today. I called the doctor and she said to take the meds with a larger meal. Ok. I took my Singulair and Avelox at the same time (12:10 p.m.) with some pizza and crackers. Yeah - you guessed it! I puked again not 35 minutes later. Apparently, I need to take the meds separately and with dinner, which is a much larger meal. I tell you what, if I take it tomorrow night and puke again - that might be a slight clue that I shouldn't be on this medication!
Needless to say, the house is a mess, I get a throbbing pain everytime I bend down and my Mom will be here any minute from Michigan. Thank God for little miracles. I was hoping this would be an enjoyable couple of days, but unless these meds kick in...this is going to be one sour puss! Throbbing, aching, pounding....PAIN! Please pray for me and my pitifullness.
Thanks for reading my rant and please don't think less of me ;)
Needless to say, the house is a mess, I get a throbbing pain everytime I bend down and my Mom will be here any minute from Michigan. Thank God for little miracles. I was hoping this would be an enjoyable couple of days, but unless these meds kick in...this is going to be one sour puss! Throbbing, aching, pounding....PAIN! Please pray for me and my pitifullness.
Thanks for reading my rant and please don't think less of me ;)
Wednesday, June 14, 2006
Today's a major milestone in many couples' lives. Yes, that's right! We've made it through year numer NINE! Nine whole years I've been married to this wonderful man of mine. It seriously feels like we're still newlyweds. We've been very blessed in that aspect of our lives and believe me - we know how lucky we truly are.
I've been waiting to post this photo of Nancy (Nancyroo) and myself. I just got the photos back yesterday. I was thrilled to be able to meet my first online friend in person. We had a blast at Scrapbook Station last Friday. I'm sure she could have accomplished more if I hadn't been yacking at her so much. Sorry, Nancy! Anyway, here we are in all of our glory. Just so you all neck/chin apparently disappears when smiling. It even does this same exact thing when I am thin/slender (which we all know hasn't been since 1987). So, be not afraid...I do have a chin! Nancy looks great though!!!! That's all that really matters when posting photos of someone who hasn't seen them yet.
Well, I'm on the mend after struggling with apparent new allergies. I'm still not "good," but I'm feeling better to the point where I can actually accomplish something. I didn't do very much for three whole days. Let me just tell you that with three monsters...I mean "children" running around - that just doesn't cut it! Things are looking up. My Mother is traveling here from Michigan on Monday, so I'll have a little more help with the said "children."
I've been using my Mother's Day gift which is 20 sessions of tanning from my family. So lovin' it! I'm pale as all getout normally. So, it's nice to have some color.
For all of you that knew I was getting my cholesterol wasn't good. Well, the overall number was 211, but the bad cholesterol was 153!!!! Yikes!!! Did I mention Yikes!!!????!!! Okay, so the Good cholesterol was okay, but not great either. The Doctor told me that once is starts getting to 161 you're at greater risk for a heart attack. Sheesh! So, needless to say, she gave me some nice literature on the Do's and Don'ts of food consumption. Yeah, I'll get right on that. On the plus side - my triglycerides were really good. You had to know I'd have at least ONE plus side.
The additional photos are of Kaila (kissing the fish) and Blake (making the fish kiss) from Sunday. Ha! They slay me!
My insert image thing is working right now - DARN IT!!!! I'll try to post the photos later.
I've been waiting to post this photo of Nancy (Nancyroo) and myself. I just got the photos back yesterday. I was thrilled to be able to meet my first online friend in person. We had a blast at Scrapbook Station last Friday. I'm sure she could have accomplished more if I hadn't been yacking at her so much. Sorry, Nancy! Anyway, here we are in all of our glory. Just so you all neck/chin apparently disappears when smiling. It even does this same exact thing when I am thin/slender (which we all know hasn't been since 1987). So, be not afraid...I do have a chin! Nancy looks great though!!!! That's all that really matters when posting photos of someone who hasn't seen them yet.
Well, I'm on the mend after struggling with apparent new allergies. I'm still not "good," but I'm feeling better to the point where I can actually accomplish something. I didn't do very much for three whole days. Let me just tell you that with three monsters...I mean "children" running around - that just doesn't cut it! Things are looking up. My Mother is traveling here from Michigan on Monday, so I'll have a little more help with the said "children."
I've been using my Mother's Day gift which is 20 sessions of tanning from my family. So lovin' it! I'm pale as all getout normally. So, it's nice to have some color.
For all of you that knew I was getting my cholesterol wasn't good. Well, the overall number was 211, but the bad cholesterol was 153!!!! Yikes!!! Did I mention Yikes!!!????!!! Okay, so the Good cholesterol was okay, but not great either. The Doctor told me that once is starts getting to 161 you're at greater risk for a heart attack. Sheesh! So, needless to say, she gave me some nice literature on the Do's and Don'ts of food consumption. Yeah, I'll get right on that. On the plus side - my triglycerides were really good. You had to know I'd have at least ONE plus side.
The additional photos are of Kaila (kissing the fish) and Blake (making the fish kiss) from Sunday. Ha! They slay me!
My insert image thing is working right now - DARN IT!!!! I'll try to post the photos later.
Saturday, June 10, 2006
Friday, June 09, 2006

Well, it's official! Nicholas is now a Third Grader! I can't believe how fast this school year went. He actually received Perfect Attendance this year. He won a little AM/FM radio. He's so proud and so are we! Now, here come the "I'm bored!" and "What are we going to do today?" comments/questions. Have I mentioned I can't wait until my Mom takes the boys to Michigan in a couple of weeks? Yes! The boys are going to Michigan and we'll only have Kaila here. It will be like having only one child again. Ahhhh, it's been so long - LOL! I'm looking forward to a little peace and quiet, but you all know I'll miss those Monsters horribly!
I also went out on a limb and entered the My Mind's Eye Design Team call, thanks to the girls at The Memory Safe cheering everyone on. I really like what I came up with. My DH LOVED the altered project I did. He just kept looking at it and smiling stating how COOL it is. I'm going to post it here, so you'll be able to see it. It looks soooo much better IRL. I'll be putting it on my scrap desk, so I can view their beautiful faces while I'm "working."
Tonight's the night! Tonight is the night I will be meeting Nancy (Nancyroo) from The Memory Safe at Scrapbook Station in Butler. I'm looking forward to spending time with her, creating some more "masterpieces" and of course, spending money!!! Hee! Hee!
And last, but not least, the photo with Blake saying, "Cool Dude! Cool Dude!" I don't know where he got that from, but I was about peeing my pants trying to get a good shot of him doing it. Enjoy!
Friday, June 02, 2006

I created another layout with The Memory Safe June carolee's Creations kit. This is Blake picking me some flowers. I just love the look on his face. He's such a sweet child and he LOVES to bring me flowers. The paper and ribbon is from the kit and the rest is from my stash. I could LIVE off of my stash for a couple years...I think. That would not include adhesive. I soooo need more of that. I had purchased that big Scotch tape gun. Let me tell you it is awesome! I'll never go back to the small tape runners.
Well, the remainder of yesterday turned out pretty darn good. My dearly beloved friend, Angelina, graced me with her scrapping presense until about 3:00 a.m. It was nice to spend time with her and get some scrapping/organizing done. Just give me a reason to lock myself in my Scrap Room. I dare ya!
I'm off to do laundry, cleaning, organizing and Ebay listings. Ahhh, the story of my life. Hmmm, I'm hoping to sneak in a nap, but it looks like my schedule is pretty full. The sacrifices we scrappers make.
Have a great day!
Thursday, June 01, 2006

Have you ever had one of those days where it takes you a while to get up and going, but once you're going you want to take on the world? That's the way I feel today. I have so much to do and if I could just take care of these items and not have to worry about children I could accomplish so much. Don't get me wrong, I wouldn't give up my life for anything. I just wish I could have a couple days...who am I kidding - a week to get somethings organized! I'm a true organizer at heart, even though it seriously doesn't look like it in my house. I just don't have enough time for everything! I try. That's all I have to say.
I did make a card from The Memory Safe's June Kit that I received this past month. I plan on giving it to DH in his lunchbox. I know...pretty mushy, eh?
Well, there is still a lot of time left in this day, so I guess I better finally brush my teeth and get goin'! LOL!
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