So much to talk about, but too busy/tired to even remember everything.
I'll start with the kids' party. It was supposed to thunderstorm, but I held out hope that it wouldn't happen, or would at the very least wait. Well, the party was great...very little rain. My wonderful Mother helped with the cleaning, or should I say...DID the cleaning. She's a machine, just like my sister. I couldn't have done it without her. My Mother and Father-in-Law helped with a lot of food and other party necessities. Again, we couldn't have done it without them. Believe me, I realize how fortunate we are to have such a loving, supportive family. I thank God every day for them.
Two days after the party was the first day of school. That was busy, but fun and exciting at the same time. Kaila actually starts Pre-K today. She CAN NOT WAIT!! She's missed school since it let out in May. This will be her last year of Pre-K and then she'll be going to ALL DAY Kindergarten. I CAN'T believe how fast time flies! I look at these children and see how big they're getting. Then, I have to go to my photo files to remember how small they once were.

Thank God for the wonderful invention of the camera.
Now, regarding the remodeling of it all. The laundryroom is finished, along with the livingroom, kitchen and den (except light fixtures). In the "just about" catagory we have the master bedroom, boys' room and diningroom. My MIL and I are painting today ;) The diningroom will be ready no later than Saturday to paint. Does anyone want to guess what the boys' room is going to look like? Or should I say, what color(s) it's going to be? Well, my boys are quite the roughians. So, CAMO it is! You read correctly! Their Father said they could paint it green, which Of Course, he doesn't recall. I matched the green to their bedspread, which is CAMO. Let me just say, it's a good thing the room is fairly large. One wall will be camoflaged by my hands. We'll see how it turns out. The other areas are a boring shade of cream, but will be fabulous!
Julie - I know you're dying for before/after shots and believe me...I'm working on them. I should be able to get some by the end of the week, if all goes well.
Our Labor Day weekend was AWESOME! I took about 365 photos. You HAVE to love digital! I have to say though, 1GB card is just NOT enough for me for 4 days. I could have taken soooo many more. The kids had a great time. They spent a good deal of time with their Father alone, which was great for me. I had quiet sketch time (27 single pages and an additional 7 double paged sketches - yeah!). The kids went to the Double Boar Ranch to learn about the Paid Hunt aspect of hunting. They couldn't talk fast enough when they came home, neither could Daddy for that matter - LOL!
Lastly for today is a layout I completed yesterday using
The Scrapping Spot's September Pop Fashion Kit. I LOVE this kit! Get yours while you still can!
Case in point regarding how fast they grow. These photos are of Kaila at 1 year old and the above photo is her at almost 5. Also, I used my sketch over at
Nuts About Sketches.

Thanks so much for stopping by and listening to my ramblings.