I have a lot of things going on right now, but don't have time to post pictures. Here are some of the things that are transpiring in the World of Lahr.
First, we purchased a trampoline WITH a net. I was able to manage to put most of it up with a little help from the kiddos and my brother-in-law (helped with the net). Okay, so now the kids have a "safe" place to jump their little hearts away. They begged for me to jump on it last night. Obviously, they wanted to reach the sky. If I could not provide such a thrill, I bet they wouldn't want me anywhere near it. I, however, am very capable, with the help of my poundage, to send them higher than they ever dreamed possible. Not only will this apparatus keep the children out of my hair, but it will also provide them and me for that matter, with much needed exercise. My muscles/bones can attest to that fact this very morning.
Secondly, we're going to look at some property tonight with a pre-existing home already on it. It's a secret from the children, because it has a pond on it and we don't want them to be too disappointed if we don't get it. It's fairly close to where we are right now. We're excited ourselves, so wish us luck.
Third, I have to cook some items for Nick's International Day at school tomorrow. I'm going to make a couple German dishes and an Irish dessert. Gee, I've never tried any of these recipes before, so I hope they're tasty. Nick's extremely excited about it.
Fourth, we're preparing for Blake's big 6th birthday this Saturday. He's counting the days. I'm currently going through some photos to put them away and I found several of Blake in his younger years. Sigh! He's too cute. I haven't even shopped for his gifts yet.
Fifth, we purchased some ducklings the 9th of May. They are so cute, but we lost Bob, which was Nick's duckling. You can't get those little things wet before they get their feathers, especially when it's so cold. We had a heat lamp on them, but it just wasn't enough. He got wet in the afternoon and was gone by evening.
Lastly, here is an 8 1/2 x 11 layout that I did for Becky Fleck's Pagemaps for May.

Thanks for stopping by and be sure to come back for some pictures of the kiddos once I get a chance to upload those babies!
1 comment:
The challenges of life. I beginning to think Adam and I better buy bigger add an addition or build on our property at mom and dad. I told mom I think someone should turn our names in for the exchange makeover home addition.
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