Happy New Year!!! I'm looking forward to a year of change, not only physically, but also geographically. Now just hold on! I'm not moving very far away from my current location. Heck, we may not even move at all, but it IS a possibility. We plan on looking for something this Spring/Summer. How exciting and scary at the same time! Do you realize how much CRAP you accumulate in the span of 10 years? It ain't pretty, Folks!
As far as physically, well let's just say I wish for a little less of ME! Here is Scrapjazz's Trimmed Scrappers Weekly Challenge #2 layout. My three year old daughter, Kaila, took this photo. Do you think she was a tad close? That's why I'm laughing. These are some of my problem foods. There's just not enough space for all of my downfalls...food-wise. I used part of The Memory Safe's Fancy Pants kit. So pretty IRL! Double click on the image for a closer view. I have an alterior motive for losing weight, besides feeling better about myself. We will have been married for 10 years in the middle of June and I want to do a photo portfolio for my DH. My good friend, Angelina, has agreed to take them for me. I think he would really be surprised. We all know that if I'm not thin enough they DARN WELL WON'T GET TAKEN! That's where the surprise will come in, if I actually lose the weight.
I have some other goals as well. There's a thread over at ScrapNCircle regarding inspiration by Ali Edwards (thanks, Michelle). She focuses on one word all year long. I decided that my personal word would be "anti-procrastination." I don't know about you, but I make excuses as to why things don't get done. Hopefully, this will be a word/action/personality trait of my past. I'm looking for a solution to a lot of my "problems" and focusing on this particular word will definitely put me in the right direction.
What are your goals for 2007?
One last thing before I zip out of here. As some of you know, I took a little trip to Michigan with my three small children to visit relatives. I mentioned in an earlier post that my Mother is losing weight and weighs less than I do. Her new nickname, given to her by me, is BEAN POLE! I've never seen her so thin! She looks great! She is technically still about 40 pounds overweight, but good grief! She looks soooo thin to me! I regret to tell you that I don't have any before/after photos, but I hope to within the next couple of months. She's my inspiration for a thinner, healthier ME!
That's all for now.
Thanks for stopping by!
Love this LO Shawn! Your work is always so inspiring.
I hear you on the procrastinating thing. Every time I get the urge to put something off I say "Be a do-er!" Sometimes it helps. LOL!
I LOVE this LO! It's truely YUMMY! ;)
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