I've been tagged by Angelina!
Can you believe that sweet woman thinks I have at least 5 WEIRD things about myself to share? I just can't even imagine!
I may be here awhile - LOL!
1. I don't like anyone to touch my neck in any way, shape or form. I may have been killed by strangulation in another life.
2. I write on my hand anytime I absolutely don't want to forget to do something.
3. My hands are as big as my husband's. Which, for a person who is only 5' 4" tall, is pretty weird...I think anyway. DH is 6' tall. Oh, and just so we're clear, his hands AREN'T small...mine are just BIG!!!!
4. If I decide I'd like to read, I need to make sure I have everything else done, or it will have to wait. When I open a good book, I don't do anything else until it's finished!
5. I can leave the sink full of dishes for days, but when the dishes are done the sink must be scrubbed to a perfect shine, or it drives me nuts!
Okay! Okay! So, I came up with 5 things. Ange obviously knows me better than I thought she did!
Thanks for making me spill, Ange!
On the lighter side of things, I had a ScrapDay for the girls and two were able to attend. My sister-in-law, Donna and Roo from The Memory Safe. We had a great time and were able to accomplish somethings, as well as get to know each other a little better. I absolutely LOVE having friends over to scrap. I highly recommend it ;) Anytime, Girls! Anytime! I really appreciate that you were both able to come. Thanks!
Here's a layout that I did yesterday. Roo is on the right and I am on the left. She actually got her hair cut and MY husband thinks it makes her look even younger. Two thumbs up on the new do, Roo! I used another Becky Fleck sketch for this layout. I just love www.pagemaps.com!
Scrapbook Station - October 6th - call to reserve your spot today. For those of you who have a BPC membership, that could be your FREE crop!
See ya for now!