We finally have our new computer up and running with the internet. Windows 7 threw Verizon for a loop, but it works and that's all that matters.
We had a gorgeous Easter at my parents' home in Michigan. My Mom made roast beef, which I've been craving forever! I had to stop from stuffing myself! Soooooo yummy! I was able to play Scrabble with my Mom and Sister, which is always such a treat - made sweeter still by my winning a couple rounds :) Charlie came with us, so that was even a nicer trip.
Volleyball ended fantastically. We made it to the finals, which we have never done before in this league. Nevermind that Char and I were unserimoniously "booted" off the team we had played for for four years. We beat them in the semi-finals :) No, we didn't take the title, but it was still sweet.
My elbow is hopefully on the mend. It was killing me for the last month or so of volleyball. The Doctor said I have lateral epicondilitis. I have to do exericises, wear a brace, ice it 4 times a day for 20 minutes each and massage it. So, I get a free pass to sit for at least 80 minutes a day :) If, after all of this, it doesn't show signs of improvement...
Nick took his hunter's safety course last week and passed. He was bored the entire class. Everything was just "common sense" he said. At least Kyle was there to share in the pain of it. Now, he's good to go! And I say, "Bring on the meat!"
We have a guy coming tonight to give us a quote on a new furnace and AC unit. Can I just tell you how excited I am about that? WAYYYYY excited :) Charlie doesn't like to sweat either. He has a hard time sleeping when it's so hot.
I've been participating in the April THAW challenges over at Willow Traders and am having a blast. I love the thought of having an actual deadline to get these done. I've been trying to schedule at the very least, an hour a day to scrap. I also have been trying to use up my older kits from The Scrapping Spot. I used the same kit for these four layouts. This kit is just about done :)

Anyway, I'm off to awaken the children to kick them off to school for 7 hours.
Thanks for stopping!