WARNING!!! There is a "before" picture of Blake's cut ear below. So, if you'll pass out by viewing it, I advise you to go no further. There is also an "after" picture of his ear and how beautiful it looks now. Blake fell on a toy tank on New Year's Eve Eve. He wants a scar. He couldn't wait for kids to ask him what happened. I have to say, he was quite the trooper! So very proud of my little patient.
See these delightfully delicious photos? Yes, that's what I spend every 2-3 days baking. We love our bread.

Again, baked goodies. You know...what I especially don't need :)

Sledding at Grandma Lahr's.

See these delightfully delicious photos? Yes, that's what I spend every 2-3 days baking. We love our bread.
Again, baked goodies. You know...what I especially don't need :)
Sledding at Grandma Lahr's.
My darling sister and me at the Bargewell Family Reunion 2008 :)
If you want to see this one a little closer just double click on it.
If you want to see this one a little closer just double click on it.
There isn't much else going on here besides trudging through this nasty white stuff, a.k.a. snow! I'm ready for spring! Who's with me?
If you're a scrapper and looking for some great challenges to reduce your stash, by all means drop over at The Scrapping Spot to get your challenges and get started! There may a prize or two involved. Oh, you don't have "enough" stash to create anything? That is a shame! You're in luck...The Scrapping Spot can help you there as well :) Their store is filled with all kinds of goodies ready, willing and able to be shipped to your location as soon Jill can package it.
Thanks for stopping by!