Bitter: I had a ton of things to be done last Friday whilst the children were elsewhere.
Sweet: DH got a much needed hunk of meat! That's right, Ladies/Gents! He shot us a buck with his bow. Wayyyyy SWEET! It's delicious by the way.
Needless to say, I went over and took photos and helped with the "process." We then had a lovely meal of fresh deer steak, beans, bread and drinks. YUMMMOOO!
Next up we have a ten year old with the primal urge to hunt. He feels it is also his "job" to fill the freezer with meat. You have to love his enthusiasm.
Now, look at this darling 6 1/2 year old. Photo taken by his teacher, Mrs. Carna. We were on our way to the hospital for his field trip.
Here's an adorable picture of Kaila and Blake at Blake's open house. He was so excited because he thought there would be snacks. Yeah. Someone decided against that.
Seriously, she was just 2 1/2, doggone it!
On the homefront, we have many more "projects" to complete. Our next major project is installing 19 brand new windows! I can't tell you how excited that makes me. Why, you ask? Because we need to get one of the windows out so we can get our box springs through the window into the upstairs. MY box springs!!!! We're sleeping on a mattress on the hard floor. Lovely, eh?
We have to REPAINT the diningroom due to the fact that we got a bad batch of primer. The primer and the paint literally PEEL off the wall. It's pathetic. So, I have to peel the rest off and then sand down the holes and repaint it. Sigh. What a pain!
That's it for now. I'm tired.
Thanks for stopping by!