Renovations are going well.
Charlie is putting the tile floor down in the laundryroom starting tonight. I'm not sure he'll complete it, but it will look great! He put RFP boards up in the laundryroom, along with new lighting. It looks fantastic! I can't wait to start the laundry - not!
Charlie cut 7 can light holes in the ceiling before Ray did the plaster work. We then had it textured. Charlie's Mom and I painted the ceiling the other day, but I have to see if it needs another coat. No new lighting in the livingroom, just going to use lamps. Again, it may need another coat of paint. I need a second opinion.
This room is almost as complete as it's going to get for a couple years. I just need to put up the curtains - yeah!
Kaila's Room
Charlie's Mom painted Kaila's room with the primer so far. We're going over to finish it up with the white paint today.
Carpet Installation - this wonderful procedure is scheduled for Friday.
On the Scrapping Front - here's what I did this week. Boy, did this feel good! The sketches for these two layouts is on my other blog - - check it out!
Speaking of scrapping, THE SCRAPPING SPOT is currently looking for additional Design Team members. If you're feeling froggy be sure to checkout the requirements and get your application in by the 31st of August.
Also, The Scrapping Spot is always having sketch challenges with new sketches weekly, sometimes more. Get to creating, Scrappers!
Thanks for stopping by!