Saturday, January 25, 2025

 Happy Polar Vortex!

We are in a part of the country that is absolutely freeeeezing!  Things are freezing that do not need to be freezing!

Anyway, I'm here for a quick update on a couple things since I've been gone forever.

Here's a sketch that I made for Sketches in Thyme.

I will update further later.

Thursday, January 16, 2025

 It's been a hot minute since I've posted anything on here. And the events that have taken place since I did...are...amazing!

I wasn't even sure if I would be able to post on here anymore. To my I am!

Stay tuned!

Thursday, March 22, 2018


I'm up on the Sketches in Thyme blog again. Check it out and create a layout using one of this month's sketches for your chance at an awesome prize!

Thanks for stopping by!


Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Here are some layouts I created recently.

Thanks for stopping by!


Wednesday, February 21, 2018

I've got another example layout up at Sketches In Thyme!

Come on over and join in on the fun for your chance at the following prize:

Our fabulous sponsor this month is one of our very own DT   Lisa Schill Moen
with a personal donation of the goodies below.

Here's my take on Brenda's sketch.

Thanks for stopping by!


Thursday, January 25, 2018


Today I have a sketch created by Bev Code, as well as the layout I created using it.

Sketches In Thyme has a lot of inspiration and great prizes, if you decide to play along.

Check it out here!

Thanks for stopping by!


Monday, January 01, 2018

Happy New Year, Everyone!!! Once again, it's hard to believe that the year has gone so fast! Unbelievable!

This is a short update due to me wanting to start 2018 off with a very productive day. So, I'll have to get to that cleaning, cooking and laundry - UGH!

One of my intentions this year is to update this blog more frequently.

Here are some layouts I've created for the sketches pictured.

This is a sketch and layout I created for Sketches In Thyme.

I created a layout for this sketch for Sketches In Thyme.

I created this sketch and layout. 

I created a layout for this sketch for Sketches In Thyme.

I created a layout for this sketch for Sketches In Thyme.

Thanks for stopping by!
